Kenton David Belll

Kenton Bell's Subscription Program

Receiving is a passive action~

Published: Mon, 12/29/14

Hi you have the ability to create from anew each and every day. Most of the time you re-create the same over and over again, when you really begin to…

Blueprint Ditty ~

Published: Fri, 12/26/14

Hi, Here is a little blue print for your day. You fill in the blanks to decided how you want it to go ~Zipity do da... Zipity ay My, oh my what a…

Merry Christmas ~

Published: Wed, 12/24/14

Dear Beloved, Merry Christmas May your heart be filled with the Holiday Blessing! December 25th is my 52nd Birthday ~ WOW !!! So... While I send out…

101.1 LOVE ~

Published: Mon, 12/22/14

Love is a frequency, so is joy. Sadness is a frequency, so is hatred. You have the ability to dial in which frequency you desire. The choice is…

Gold! Gold! Gold!~

Published: Fri, 12/19/14

Hi Letting your light shine on that which appears dark will most definitely shift your reality.When this is done with love and compassion towards…

6 Th Chakra

Published: Wed, 12/17/14

Everything is Energy… Chakra is the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “turning”. Chakras are energy vortices that can be found supporting the human…

From My Heart To Yours ~

Published: Mon, 12/15/14

listen to your Heart. When we say your Heart, we are referring to the Essential Heart, that which is foundational, necessary for your e istence. This…

The End Result ~

Published: Fri, 12/12/14

you have the ability to create from anew each and every day. Most of the time you re-create the same over and over again, when you really begin to…

6 Th Chakra

Published: Wed, 12/10/14

Everything is Energy… Chakra is the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “turning”. Chakras are energy vortices that can be found supporting the human…

Safe or Sane~

Published: Mon, 12/08/14

Often,… you believe that the same is safe. You become addicted to what you know. That the familiar is safe and secure and the unknown scary and not so…

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