Kenton David Belll

Kenton Bell's Subscription Program

Transmission of Cosmic Love

Published: Fri, 12/05/14

Dear Rela, Be Still.... This moment is for you... Your Heart is making room for this Cosmic Love to fill you and your day. You are Eternal Love.

You Rock Star !

Published: Mon, 12/01/14

Dear When was the last time you stopped and looked in the night sky and realized all the magnificence that surrounds you ? When was the last time you…

Dream Machine

Published: Fri, 11/28/14

Dear, Do you realize that you are an awesome dream machine ? Do you know that all you see and do are the very tools that make this machine run? Did…

Holiday Offerings ~

Published: Tue, 11/25/14

Dear, Allow yourself to open to the truth of who you are! Allow the Essence of your Divine Source to fill you in this moment! Allow your Self to be in…

Looking for Love

Published: Mon, 11/24/14

Dear, Love is the result of knowing that you are truly Source. When you see and find love in others this is the result of seeing Source in you,…

The Heart Space~

Published: Fri, 11/21/14

Dear ,The Heart Space is a multi-dimensional aspect of who you are. As you realize more of your authentic self; you'll e perience this through the…

Your Creation Blueprint~

Published: Mon, 11/17/14

Dear, Imagining of your future is the blueprint for source to work with. Do your self a solid favor~ DREAM BIG ! You really can't pull passion through…

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