Safe or Sane~

Published: Mon, 12/08/14

    Often,… you believe that the same is safe. You become addicted to what you know. That the familiar is safe and secure and the unknown scary and  not so safe.

If you look at what you are often trying to accomplish, out in the world ,from government to business to your personal life, often you are looking for answers in that which is known and tried. This often perpetuates the undesired over and over again.

     Instead, , what is necessary is diving into the unknown and trying new solutions to old problems, even better yet….  just jumping into a whole new Creation of your making, new patterns, new reality, new everything.


After all what do you have to lose??

Shine on you crazy god like human!

  Remember that you have created it all. When you really, truly with all your heart know this you can begin to create whatever suits you. Go forth and create with unbound Love, Passion and Desire!

~ Love Kenton

My work is primarily to assist you in clearing your body and auric field so you can hold more of your Source Essence, your Soul's Energy. When we get "clear" we can then begin to manifest our destiny in powerful ways.

                                           Call or Email for a free 15 min. consult...


When we create healthy, happy beliefs it shows up in our physical bodies and our relationships. Finances and career paths open up powerfully.  You become empowered.

 In Service To You~

 Love Kenton

