Kenton David Belll

Kenton Bell's Subscription Program

Alignment Before Action ~

Published: Wed, 07/13/16

Remembering that we are Human Beings rather than Human Doings. Aligning before taking action is the key to greater success with less effort. Feel the…

Does The Ego Really Exist?

Published: Mon, 07/11/16

I hear the word EGO being thrown around a lot these days. Now, I come from a platform of belief that I create it all. Meaning, I AM the consciousness…

You Know That Feeling ~~

Published: Fri, 07/08/16

When you are having a great day, you know when everything is flowing and all the pieces are falling into place. You know this state of being, don't…

Relax and Flow~

Published: Wed, 07/06/16

You don't need to try so hard. Let go and allow the Universal Current to flow through you. this is the same energy that created all that is arround…

Feel your Wings ~

Published: Wed, 07/06/16

People are Angels too! If you close your eyes, drop into the heart space, "tune" into the Angelic Realm, you can hear the celestial choir. While…

Independence Day ~~~

Published: Mon, 07/04/16

You were born free, your spirit is free. This is the natural state of spirit. FREEDOM. Any place in your life were you feel not-free is an illusion,…

Now ~

Published: Fri, 07/01/16

There is nothing in the past for you. It has come and gone. The future you can only create from the present. The only place you have true power is in…

Independence ~

Published: Wed, 06/29/16

You were born free, your spirit is free. This is the natural state of spirit. FREEDOM. Any place in your life were you feel not-free is an illusion,…

Listening To The Quiet Voice ~

Published: Wed, 06/29/16

Listening to the quiet voice within brings you closer to your Essence. The quiet voice is the one directing you to yourself. Ask, still yourself and…

You Are Beautiful

Published: Mon, 06/27/16

Perfect. You. Always were and always will be. There is no- thing to fi . Only to realize the perfection of Self. You are beautiful just the way you…

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