Does The Ego Really Exist?

Published: Mon, 07/11/16

   I hear the word EGO being thrown around a lot these days. Now, I come from a platform of belief that I create it all. Meaning, I AM the consciousness that creates my reality.  Many might consider that to be an egotistical statement. Which it really is not.  If we look at the true meaning of the word…

   (This Definition is taking from urban dictionary on-line. For the purpose of this article I found this definition the best. Interesting how it is so widely defined!)

The part of you that defines itself as a personality, separates itself from the outside world, and considers itself (read: you) a separate entity from the rest of nature and the cosmos. Perhaps necessary for survival in some evolutionary bygone, in modern times it leads only to (albeit often disguised) misanthropic beliefs and delusion. 
In short, "I."        Ego is responsible for hate, fear, and delusion.


     So, as a spiritual healer, teacher, la-di-da, I hear this term, ego, thrown around in a derogatory manner often...  “He’s so in his ego” or “Her ego is in her way of seeing the truth” I think you get the idea. I do have a strong feeling that most who use the term like this, are projecting their own shadow, and not able to see that it is the ego that is projecting it outward. Something within their own ego structure, an unrealized aspect of self that is causing this projection.


     So coming from the place that we create it all, even our experiences of others, then are we not creating the experience of the other person being in their ego? Is that not truly a projection? If we were so enlightened to see someone else struggling within their own ego structure, would we be in a place of judgement about it? I think not.


    And who decided that being egotistic was a bad thing? My guess is someone who wanted power over others. I believe a strong healthy ego is a good thing. Does a strong ego mean that the person is not capable of compassion, empathy and other altruistic traits? No. I don’t think so.

 Well I’ve been giving this much contemplation and decided to write, develop and put forth a concept about ego. Being a holier-than-thou spiritualist, I’m going to put forth the ultimate truth about you, god, ego and my brilliant insight into the workings of creation! If you don’t like it well you can just …. Haha haha… Ego humor, for sure.






Question: Does the ego exist in the higher dimensions?

Answer: yes, and no


( DF is the abbreviation for Dimensional Frequencies )

 When we are in the frequencies of the 3rd dimension, the ego VS soul or personality VS God belief matrix enforces the idea of separation and duality. As we transcend the 3rd dimension, into the higher levels of consciousness the concept of what we call ego VS soul, begins to vanish. The sense of separation from the duality of ego based 3DF experience also begins to dismantle.

Unity Consciousness begins in the 4th Dimensional Frequencies, which is a we, us, them experience.  In the 4 DF the ego begins its transfiguration from an Individuated non-source knowing, ego self-identification into a Unity Ego Identity.  Here the ego begins to experience unity and connection to others that was not available in the 3rd DF. So now the 4d person emphasis is on community, unity, we, us, them. VS  3rd DF, I , me, mine.