Kenton David Belll

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Fantastic ~

Published: Fri, 11/20/15

Wow !!! F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C..... How many times can you utter this word today ?? Fantastic morning. Fantastic Lunch. Fantastic work e perience.

Letting Go Of The Past~

Published: Wed, 11/18/15

what is it that you still hang onto? What "overlay"are you still living over and over? Ready to let it go?? Ready... Set.... Let ...Go !!! Love Kenton…

The Reward of Patience is Patience ~

Published: Mon, 11/16/15

The Reward of Patience is Patience — St. AugustinePatience is a quality that we can find in the first chakra. In order to manifest that which we are…

Spiritual Evolution and the First Chakra

Published: Wed, 11/11/15

Spiritual Evolution and the First ChakraHow does your “security” feel when you think about manifesting the life you truly want? So often working with…

New Year Coming~

Published: Mon, 11/09/15

what are you going to create this new year? It's coming soon! Of course you can keep creating what you've been doing ... Or you could deepen, widen,…

All you need is LOVE ~

Published: Fri, 11/06/15

All you need is love, love.... love is all you need.We all remember those lyrics written forty plus years ago now. But the still ring powerfully true.

Forgiveness ~

Published: Wed, 11/04/15

Think about someone who you have a dis-cord with., someone who when you think of them you know something is not right between the two of you. Someone…

Transmission of Cosmic Love

Published: Mon, 11/02/15

Dear Rela, Be Still.... This moment is for you... Your Heart is making room for this Cosmic Love to fill you and your day. You are Eternal Love.

Day of the Dead ~

Published: Fri, 10/30/15

they are still here. The ones whom came before are still here in many ways... They are easily contacted and waiting to interact on Halloween. Day of…

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