Spiritual Evolution and the First Chakra
How does your “security” feel when you think about manifesting the life you truly want?
So often working with clients, I’ll notice they are powerfully assisting others in the manifestation of their dreams and desires, all while putting their own dreams on the back
Often issues of security come up as one contemplates pursuing their dreams. You might ask yourself why? There is no ”good” reason that anyone needs to give up their own dream for the sake of another, other than to learn not to do it.
Ask and ponder these questions:
“Will I be supported in the manifestation of my dreams?”
“Do I believe others will still like / love me if I pursue my own path?”
“Do I manifest others dreams and desires, but at the cost of my own?”
“Am I willing to sacrifice my desires and dreams for that of another?"
" Am I willing to HAVE?"
Love Kenton