The Voice of the Universe~
Published: Mon, 08/10/15
What is spiritual? What does it mean to be spiritual? Sitting in a cave meditating for lifetimes? Is this spiritual? Going to church once a week is…
Kenton Bell's Subscription Program
Published: Mon, 08/10/15
What is spiritual? What does it mean to be spiritual? Sitting in a cave meditating for lifetimes? Is this spiritual? Going to church once a week is…
Published: Sat, 08/08/15
DREAMS AND DESIRES September 26 & 27, Sat. & Sun. 9am-5pm Tools and Wisdom for Mastering the Human E perience. Join Kenton David Bell, Master Healer,…
Published: Fri, 08/07/15
When was the last time you e pressed gratitude for your life? For your loved ones? For your vocation? For all that you have? An attitude of gratitude…
Published: Wed, 08/05/15
Looking around... smelling the roses or the ****, hearing the sounds you are hearing, touching the things and people around you. These are your…
Published: Tue, 08/04/15
DREAMS AND DESIRES September 26 & 27, Sat. & Sun. 9am-5pm Tools and Wisdom for Mastering the Human E perience. Join Kenton David Bell, Master Healer,…
Published: Mon, 08/03/15
Dear Rela, Be Still.... This moment is for you... Your Heart is making room for this Cosmic Love to fill you and your day. You are Eternal Love.
Published: Sun, 08/02/15
DREAMS AND DESIRES September 26 & 27, Sat. & Sun. 9am-5pm Tools and Wisdom for Mastering the Human E perience. Join Kenton David Bell, Master Healer,…
Published: Fri, 07/31/15
living in the world is a choice you make every day. You choose your world moment to moment. Your thoughts create the blueprint of your e periences.
Published: Wed, 07/29/15
take a moment and ask yourself "who are you living for?" This is your life, your dreams and desires that are yours and yours alone to manifest! You…
Published: Mon, 07/27/15
First Thought... What is your first thought of the day? Something along the lines of..."oh my god! what a wonderful day this is going to be!" "Today…