Kenton David Belll

Kenton Bell's Subscription Program

Red Cars~

Published: Fri, 07/24/15

It's true ! What you see is what you get!, Do you believe all you see? Do you like what you see? Here is a fun little e ercise! Tell yourself you…

Cosmic Advice ~

Published: Wed, 07/22/15

Allowing your desires to manifest is one of the biggest challenges you humans e perience. So often we see you struggling to find, work or forcing your…

Wave Riding the Cosmic Currents~

Published: Mon, 07/20/15

life's a lot like surfing. Looking and waiting for the right wave. Positioning yourself to be in the right place for the right wave is really a lot…

Perfect timing…

Published: Fri, 07/17/15

Timing.. they say is everything. When is NOW the best timing for your ne t project? When would be the best timing for you to get what you want? Maybe…

Dancing with the Moon ~

Published: Wed, 07/15/15

Dancing with the moon~ Dance your Intuitive Self open. Swing to and fro in the beautiful moon light of receptivity. ALLOW... your desire to be…

The Voice of the Universe~

Published: Mon, 07/13/15

Stop! Listen! Listen to the quite Voice of the Universe! Listen with the utmost attention! As if your life depends on it! Because in fact it does! All…


Published: Fri, 07/10/15

Summer Time and the living is easy... Ideas are jumping.... and the desires are high... Your Universe is rich and you are soooo good looking... Hush…

Pulling The Trigger ~

Published: Wed, 07/08/15

so often, more than not... I see people sooo close to manifesting their dreams, just to give up right before they manifest. I call this…


Published: Mon, 07/06/15

how does your world go today? What thoughts and beliefs do you hold that are working for you? Do you think healthy thoughts? Do you love the person…

Streams ~

Published: Sat, 07/04/15

WOOO HOOO! Happy Independence Day! Let's embrace the greatness that our founding fathers' envisioned for us all those years ago that still make this…

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