Kenton David Belll

Kenton Bell's Subscription Program

Blank Slate…

Published: Wed, 06/10/15

wake up to the powerful idea of choice this morning! You have the opportunity to create your day in new and e citing ways… Even if you are doing the…

Streams ~

Published: Mon, 06/08/15

thoughts stream through our being-ness, riding the rails of creation. Many pathways of thought are available any giving time… Which stream of thought…

Mundane or ??? ~

Published: Fri, 06/05/15

looking back over your life, seeing where the magic happens and where it does not happen, you can most likely track you belief in the mundane and the…


Published: Wed, 06/03/15

Creator.. falling down into the density of the material worlds.. Celebrating the fall into the density of sensory perceptions. Love made physical.. A…

Angels and Demons ~

Published: Mon, 06/01/15

Angels and Demons ~ What do you hear when you turn inward?Do you hear the voice of your Angels?Do you hear the voice of your demons?Can you tell the…

Listening ~

Published: Fri, 05/29/15

there are often two voices speaking to us. One is the voice of ego and personality. This voice creates judgments', rights and wrongs, ups and downs,…

Mind Set ~

Published: Wed, 05/27/15

How does your day go? Happy Healthy Joyful Wholeness….with a giant serving of Super Yummy Deliciousness on top… and a side of awesome sauce!!!Well…

Transmission of Cosmic Love

Published: Mon, 05/25/15

Dear Rela, Be Still.... This moment is for you... Your Heart is making room for this Cosmic Love to fill you and your day. You are Eternal Love.

Making Choices ~

Published: Fri, 05/22/15

When you are making choices from your authentic Self, you are choosing to engage the Universal Current, or you may know it as your Source Self. You…

The Grease ~

Published: Wed, 05/20/15

Compassion is the “grease” that keeps things moving when creating at a rapid pace., whenever you are feeling bottlenecked in your creative endeavors,…

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