Kenton David Belll

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The Universal Current~

Published: Mon, 05/18/15

Universal Current… "That which drive the engines of creation"… ... standing in the Universal Current, you are in the pulse of creation.You are in your…


Published: Fri, 05/15/15

You can see it this way or you can see it that way. Reframe is a very powerful tool that when used correctly can guide you out of gridlock, dead ends…

Perspectives ~

Published: Wed, 05/13/15

Perspective is the foundation of all that is. You have the choice of perspective all the time. Is your glass half empty or half full.. it sounds so…

Action ~

Published: Mon, 05/11/15

action without alignment is a hard row to sow. When you are in alignment the action becomes sooo easy. As a matter of fact you can use this fact for a…

Pure Intention !

Published: Fri, 05/08/15

Pure intention is a powerful tool. Pure intention is a vibrational "tone" that is sent out into the Universe to signal that which you desire to come…

How it works, REALLY !

Published: Wed, 05/06/15

no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what is happening now..... You have the ability to create and sculpt your future in all ways,…

Spirit Guides ~

Published: Mon, 05/04/15

your spirit guides tell you clues about yourself. They teach you about you. Your spirit guides are aspects of you guiding you back to your true…

Love and Hate

Published: Fri, 05/01/15

truly there is only love and fear. Hate is a by-product of fear. Hate is something that is generated from a lack of love. The way to set yourself free…

One Word

Published: Wed, 04/29/15

LOVE Love Kenton When we create healthy, happy beliefs it shows up in our physical bodies and our relationships. Finances and career paths open up…

The Universe is on your side ~

Published: Mon, 04/27/15

the Universe is always on your side. Every person, event and situation that comes into your life is there to assist, uplift and shower awesome…

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