Pure Intention !

Published: Fri, 05/08/15

Pure intention is a powerful tool. Pure intention is a vibrational "tone" that is sent out into the Universe to signal that which you desire to come into your experience. 
The stronger and clearer your pure intention the more powerfully and quickly your desires will manifest. 
 Passion is so important in this equation. When you align a passion to an intention it "rockets" it into the land of manifestation. 
The landing and materialization of your desire rocket is contingent on your ability to receive.
I like to think of the process above as a combination of strong desire and intention combined, then surrender needed to receive. 

It is so important to "get out of the way" to truly receive that which has been asked for. 

  Love Kenton

    When we create healthy, happy beliefs it shows up in our physical bodies and our relationships. Finances and career paths open up powerfully.  You become empowered.

In Service To You~

 Love Kenton



Email: kenton@kentondavidbell.com