Kenton David Belll

Kenton Bell's Subscription Program

Personal Note ~

Published: Wed, 10/28/15

Hi, I've been thinking about you often lately. You know I've always really admired all that you are! The way you uplift those around you and how you…

Unbroken Chain ~

Published: Mon, 10/26/15

there is only wholeness. The only "breaks" are those made up within your own mind. The chain of evolution is unbroken. You are Unbroken. Whole.

Within and Without

Published: Fri, 10/23/15

Do you like what you see in the world? Do you like your e perience? The outer world is a direct reflection of the inner working of YOU! The power of…

Surfing the Current~

Published: Wed, 10/21/15

Big Wave riders of the Gala y !!!! Creation is all about the standing in and balancing the energies of Source... Not so different than riding Big…

Ancestors ~

Published: Mon, 10/19/15

looking through the veil of time ... you can see your ancestors. You are in an evolutionary journey with them... While they have come and gone they…


Published: Sat, 10/17/15

I've included a link to a new page on my website titled... "What is Kundalini?" Also at the top of that page is an audio link by me talking about some…

Peace, Power, Present~

Published: Fri, 10/16/15

the past is the past. Is it still playing in your present? You only have power in the present. You only have peace in the present. Stay present!…

No Compromise~

Published: Wed, 10/14/15

in a world of compromise, no one gets fully what they want. It is an illusion that in order for one to get what they want, another must give up…

Vibration and Patterns~

Published: Mon, 10/12/15

Have you noticed how "things" come around again? Patterns and fractals are always in play.. just the players and background change. One of the…

Amazing Day ~

Published: Fri, 10/09/15

Wow...What an amazing day ahead of you! Look around, ask yourself... "What kind of day do I desire?" It is your choice! Love Kenton Looking to…

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