Time And You ~
Published: Wed, 09/07/16
When you begin to dwell in the higher dimensions, TIME becomes less liner. You can begin to 'play' with TIME.... Give yourself more tiimmmeee. It's…
Kenton Bell's Subscription Program
Published: Wed, 09/07/16
When you begin to dwell in the higher dimensions, TIME becomes less liner. You can begin to 'play' with TIME.... Give yourself more tiimmmeee. It's…
Published: Mon, 09/05/16
You have a choice, you can allow your thoughts to "think" you... Or you can choose the thoughts you want to think... Many people choose the later..
Published: Fri, 09/02/16
When is the best time to set your dreams and desires into motion? Tomorrow, ne t week, ne t year? Why not start right now? What thoughts can you think…
Published: Wed, 08/31/16
There is almost no-thing greater than being in that FLOW.... You know what I mean, when everything just seems to be working just right, when it all…
Published: Tue, 08/30/16
Hello Dear One, Please join me for a free call in one hour!, Aug. 30th at 6 pm PDT. The Topic will be Creating from the I AM PRESENCE. Powerful stuff…
Published: Tue, 08/30/16
Hello Dear One, Please join me for a free call this coming Tuesday, Aug. 30th at 6 pm PDT. The Topic will be Creating from the I AM PRESENCE. Powerful…
Published: Mon, 08/29/16
You, dear one, are always creating, the question is Where are you creating from and where do you wish to be creating from. When we create from our…
Published: Mon, 08/29/16
Hello Dear One, Please join me for a free call this coming Tuesday, Aug. 30th at 6 pm PDT. The Topic will be Creating from the I AM PRESENCE. Powerful…
Published: Sun, 08/28/16
Hello Dear One, Please join me for a free call this coming Tuesday, Aug. 30th at 6 pm PDT. The Topic will be Creating from the I AM PRESENCE. Powerful…
Published: Sat, 08/27/16
Amazing Sacred Adventures Presents: October 23rd -- October 29th, 2016 The Transfiguration of the ego into the I Am Presence, in the Ecuadorian…