Kenton David Belll

Kenton Bell's Subscription Program

Time And You ~

Published: Wed, 09/07/16

When you begin to dwell in the higher dimensions, TIME becomes less liner. You can begin to 'play' with TIME.... Give yourself more tiimmmeee. It's…

Thinking Your thoughts ~

Published: Mon, 09/05/16

You have a choice, you can allow your thoughts to "think" you... Or you can choose the thoughts you want to think... Many people choose the later..

The Time Is Now ~

Published: Fri, 09/02/16

When is the best time to set your dreams and desires into motion? Tomorrow, ne t week, ne t year? Why not start right now? What thoughts can you think…

Flow ~

Published: Wed, 08/31/16

There is almost no-thing greater than being in that FLOW.... You know what I mean, when everything just seems to be working just right, when it all…

Always Creating ~

Published: Mon, 08/29/16

You, dear one, are always creating, the question is Where are you creating from and where do you wish to be creating from. When we create from our…

Sacred Adventure to Amazon

Published: Sat, 08/27/16

Amazing Sacred Adventures Presents: October 23rd -- October 29th, 2016 The Transfiguration of the ego into the I Am Presence, in the Ecuadorian…

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