Happy Holidays and New Year's Day Call

Published: Tue, 12/27/16

 Happy Holidays!
       I hope your holidays were wonderful, joyous and love filled!
I spent Christmas Day at the beach in Florida. The beach has been, for as long as I can remember, my favorite place to spend Christmas Day.
     I grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii. We almost always would end up on the beach somewhere on the Kona Coast on Christmas Day. The family would pile into the old Toyota land cruiser with lots of good food and all the stuff you’d want for the perfect day at the beach. My brothers and I would swim, body-surf and play. We would grill fish, usually fresh Ahi, while basking in the sun under the azure sky.
Christmas also being my birthday, always had a very special meaning for me. It was a double special day. It was my day. It always felt like a special gift, filled with whatever I wanted to fill it with. I always appreciated having my birthday on this very special day. Most of the western world was in celebration and I loved the wonderful, holy, joyous vibe of it.
      This Christmas Kathy and I went to a little somewhat hidden beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota. The sand is fine and white. There were literally hundreds of birds where we plopped ourselves down on the warm sands. The birds carried on not disturbed in the slightest by our presence.  The ocean was the finest turquoise, right out of a corona beer commercial. Sun diamonds dancing for us all day across the surface of the sea. It was perfect!

     When I experience these moments, most often in nature, my heart signs and my Soul soars. It must be like Heaven I think to myself. Time changes from a tic tock linear experience into one of NO TIME. I know anything and all things are possible when I’m in this state.  3 hours had passed and I couldn’t believe it! I asked Kathy how long she thought we had been there and she replied “20 minutes”.. I laughed and told her it had been three hours! She didn’t believe me till I pulled my phone out!

 These are the states of being that allow us to access the truth of who we are. Spirit. Source. The Universe. It matters not the name we give it. We know it when we are there!

     So why don’t we spend more time in these wondrous, Spirit filled states?  We begin to believe in what we are not. The illusion of time. The illusion of a human doing rather than a Human Being.  Not that doing is wrong, but maybe not always the best at the expense of the Being part of us that is truly genuine. I do know that when I’m in these states of Being, the magic occurs. Maybe the greatest reason for doing the work I do is it brings me into these higher states of consciousness.  Many of my clients have shared that they experience the same during and after a session. This is the place where miracles exist. This is the place healings occur. This is also the place where manifestations happen at a rapid pace.

      While I’m lucky in the fact that my work promotes these higher states of consciousness, I really miss them when I’m not there. Life happens, chores and responsibilities need our attention. Too much media, news, world events cause worry and concern that takes us away from these precious moments.
 It is my intention to cultivate more and more of these moments in these coming years, building upon them to create a life filled ever more so with awe and wonder! To be in communion with the Holy Spirit or whatever you like to call it more and more. Creating the Best Life Ever!!!
    It is my desire to offer the space, coaching and frequencies to those who desire the same.

       One aspect of this that stands out more than any other is spending time in the multi-dimensional, essential Heart Space. Over the years, I’ve found that this is the place to bring attention to and work on to bring greater understanding, love, joy and wellbeing to ourselves and relationships.  When I’m living in my Sacred Heart Space, the most amazing things happen! I see clients and loved ones heal and find joy when I relate to them from this special space.  I’ve thought for years that when the Heart Space fills with heart ache and pain it slowly kills us. Shuts us down from love and Spiritual Connection.

    I was listening to Greg Braden some years ago, while driving up the coast in California, he was talking about the same thing. He believes that we die around the 75-100-year mark due to the Heart break we experience and accumulate throughout life.  Humans can’t really live with this sort of heart break that builds over time.
 Like you, I’ve had heart break and emotional pain, built up over the years. I also have worked on “healing” and releasing this pain. It is amazing to experience.  We can learn to heal and let go of this pain, we can literally give ourselves a re-birth in the process. As a matter of fact, the more I do this deep personal work, the easier it gets! I’ve learned that it’s not difficult, we only make it that way.

 I want to give a gift to you for the New Year.
 A free call on Sunday January 1, 2017.
 During this call, we will be diving into the Heart and talking about ways to “clear” and expand the Sacred Heart Space. I really hope you can make it. Please join me for this call to connect to your Self, your Heart…
 Happy New Year!
 Love and Blessings,
 Kenton David Bell

 You may join the call via phone or web.

Title: The Sacred Heart
Time: Sunday, January 1st at 3:00 PM Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend, visit:

Phone Number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary Number: (602) 281-1903
Local Numbers:http://InstantTeleseminar.com/Local/
Pin Code: 637013#


                            New Aura Charts and Chakra Diagrams done personally for you....



In Service To You~

 Love Kenton



Email: kenton@kentondavidbell.com