New Email... New Clients ... New Times...

Published: Wed, 03/22/17

        Hello Dear One,
         So many changes abounding! I'm now settled in my new beautiful home in Prescott Valley, Arizona. From my office window right in front of me are rolling high desert plains and believe it or not, antelope roaming in the near distance! (yes that old song, give me a home were the antelope roam, plays now and then through my head).

         What's really great about this place is the energy is soooo perfect for me at this phase of my life. Peaceful, sunny and energetically very clear and clean. Great place to return to when off on world adventures and such.

         If you are into old western history there's tons of it here. Many of the most famous old west personalities traveled through or spent time here. Big Nose Kate is buried here. That was Doc Holiday's gal. Wyatt Earp and his brothers spent time here as well as Bat Masterson.
        I've always found that ol' west history very interesting. I've always loved the sense of freedom and space in the south western part of this great country. I like to think of these old western legends and how they lived extremely free and unto their own rules. While those ideas of freedom are what our country was built upon, many are feeling the opposite right now. 

       Freedom comes in many forms. The greatest, I feel, is a sense of Soul Freedom. Being free to express your essence and to have others witness it. I've felt fortunate, mostly, that I've found an expression that not only allows my Soul to express its' self, but perhaps even more satisfying, is helping others to do the same. Perhaps if I was born 150 yrs earlier I would had been a high plains drifter! Horse, saddle, bow-legged and six shooter on my waist...                  

      Well, I could wax on like this for the rest of the afternoon...

       But I'm interested in the present and the expression my Soul is  to share now... Helping Others. I'm throwing myself deeply into a new chapter of work and life. Going deeper, Elevating higher, Seeing clearer, Trusting more and wanting to be of service like never before.
     There is nothing more exciting for me to be in session with someone who is in the transformational space and manifesting their desires, healing and expression. Gaining new understanding of themselves and the underlying forces guiding their life's experiences.

      This is so deeply satisfying, not only for myself, but obviously for you, the client as well. Not to mention the empowerment that takes place! It really is all about empowerment. When we feel empowered, we feel great, we are in love with life, with others and things seem to go our way. When we are not feeling empowered, life sucks! Period! 

         I've been making room for new clients at this time in my practice. So if it has been awhile since we've done some work, or perhaps you've been wanting to try it but have not picked up the phone..yet...

    Give me a call , or send an email, we can have an informal chat and see if this may be something that could help you in your life!

     I'm also going to be offering a group again in about a month. We gather once a week for group sessions, with specific topics, healing, awareness, mastery and transformation and bringing our lives to the next level... together. 
    This group will be themed towards Creating Your Reality and the Universal Current. There will be a ton offered and it will be suitable for the beginner as well as more advanced student. Please contact me if you are interested.

    Anything can be healed, transformed and created!

    I'm also going to be offering intensive work in person with special adjuncts for those dealing with life threatening issues, those in need of re-boot or jump start a new life chapter. We are talking deep full transformational work from the soul/spirit level all the way down to the cellular level.

    This will be for those who travel to me and stay in the area for a period of time to heal, re-boot, re-tool and deeply transform themselves. These personally designed programs will be discussed in private and a program will be developed for that person's specific needs.                                                                          

       Of course I'm still offering my weekly transformational, coaching, healing work. This has developed into a very powerful offering that many experience and benefit from weekly sessions. It's easy, by phone or skype to anywhere in the world.

        I guarantee my work. If you don't feel the session has been of help, well then you do not pay! If you want to do the work but can't afford it... well... call me and we can work something out. Spirit always advises me on this!

 Also I'm using a new email.
Please no longer use

 New email :

 Love and Empowerment , Kenton

 Phone: 928-274-2026
