Sai Baba ~ Man Of Miracles

Published: Sun, 05/22/16

       I've a personal story to share with you. It is about a Holy Man who had a huge impact on my life. Sai Baba. I hope you find it inspiring!


    So I remember the first time I had the experience of Sai Baba’s presence and energy. I was living in Northern California at the time. More specifically I was living in Windsor, Sonoma County. About 2 hours north of San Francisco. I was in somewhat of a quiet and introspective period of my life. The year was 2002. Spring time.

    I had recently grabbed a little newsletter paper from a local metaphysical shop in Santa Rosa. It was morning. I was sitting on the toilet reading the newsletter paper. There was this article about a saint in India who was known for manifesting items out of thin air. There was a picture of this guy in a long robe with big afro hair. As I read this article the first thing I thought was what a bunch of B.S. now this is not the first or last time in my life that I’ve thought this about spiritual/ metaphysical topics or persons. Sometimes I’ve been very accurate about the BS other times I was completely wrong.


Not more than a second or two after deciding this guy was a fake, the man in the orange robe was literally standing before me! He appeared right there in my bathroom. I spoke out load, “ok, you are real!”  in some slight shock at what had just happened. Being a clairvoyant, medium and channel it was not unusual for me to see spiritual bodies of light, Masters, Angeles as well as deceased persons.  I quickly got dressed and went to buy a book about this man if I could find one.  


 I'm personally inviting you to a free live call this Thursday, May 26th. 6 pm Pacific Time, 9 pm Eastern Time. The focus will be: 

                                  Lightening Up Your Field

 If you have experienced my work before you know how helpful it can be, if you have not experienced it, this is a great way to do so.

 I'll be assisting you through meditation and energy work to help you "clear" old energies and stepping into new expressions that will assist you in greater vitality, clarity, motivation and overall greater sense of well being. There will be a meditation portion, energy work, questions and answers. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions and receive answers as well as healing/ clearing and guidance to assist in stepping into your power.

   Title: Lightening Up ! With Kenton David Bell
Date & Time: Thursday, May 26th at 6:00 PM Pacific

Attend by Phone:
Guest pin code: 876030#
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100

                   Looking to manifest change in your life? Needing some Healing?

                                     How about  more joy? More clarity?

       Maybe some coaching into your Life's Expression ? Call for a free 15-20 min consult...

In Service To You~

 Love Kenton

