What The King Told Me ~

Published: Sat, 06/04/16


   The King once told me to just give


    Once while driving across the USA from New York to Sedona, I had the opportunity to visit Graceland. The home of the great late Elvis Presley.  

I decided to do the tour in which they take a small group of individuals through the home and the garden areas. I’d say the group was about 8 persons total.

     When we got to the dining area, a deep inner nudging told me to hang back for a moment. As the group went ahead I hung back at the foot of the dining table in the main dining room. There was a chandelier hanging over the table. All of a sudden I had a very strong energy running through my body. The signal that something esoteric or metaphysical was about to occur.


    I saw and felt a ball of golden light descend down from the ceiling. I knew it was the spirit of Elvis Presley, The King himself.

Telepathically, I asked him “what is the secret ( to being The King) ? ”   


       In the King’s own voice, I heard “Give baby, just give”

     This is what makes a real king a benevolent King. Giving is the way Elvis lived his life. He gave and gave. I read somewhere that when he died, he only had 50,000 usd in the bank. He had been giving it away for his whole life. This was this man’s true Spirit, his nature.

A model in which we all could learn from.


    For me, having this experience, is one that I recall many times in my life and often when I’m called to give even more. I’ve come to really know that giving is truly better than getting.  Even now when I have much less, as far as physical possessions and money, I give more and choose to keep giving. This makes me happy. Creates a deep sense of purpose and service.


  What an interesting way to live a King’s Code, GIVE, BABY, JUST GIVE.


    Love Kenton



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In Service To You~

 Love Kenton



Email: kenton@kentondavidbell.com