Thoughts and Reflections on Ecuador

Published: Tue, 05/17/16


        In April I was blessed to facilitate a powerful retreat in Ecuador. The retreat was to work with the Kundalini of the Planet which now resides in the Andes Mountain Range. The Kundalini had resided in the Himalayas for a long period of time until recently. It is this "kundalini" that anchors and births the new consciousness. Tibet, which had been the spot on the planet, had been the spiritual "hot spot" has now shifted to the Andes.

      So with the idea of evolution of the human species we will begin to see Beings of greater consciousness beginning to emerge from this area.  The 'hot spot" of new consciousness.  

         While the Ecuador earthquake was a tragic event for many individuals who lost lives and homes, I can't help but think that it was all part of the greater shifting of the planet that is happening all over our beautiful mother earth. The Kundalini, also referred to as The Serpent Of Light, is also a big part of this shift.  A few days before the beginning of the retreat Spirit told me about the earthquake. I posted the prediction on Facebook  approx. 23 hours before the earthquake hit. As we come up in vibration, mother earth must shake of some of the old energies. This causes many physical earth changes.

        One of the main "ahh-haas" I got from my time in Ecuador is that we all are where we are.

        We, that is the collective WE, tend to look through a particular set of lenses at any given level of experience with consciousness. That is to say that just because we see things one way does not mean that it is the way it is for another, for that matter even “the truth”.

        Each level of consciousness has its' own sets of logics and its own set of rules. It’s that logic, based in that level of consciousness that dictates the thoughts, rules, actions and the "rights and wrongs" of that level of consciousness.  In Spiral Dynamic these are referred to as MEMES. I’ve had the opportunity of learning, understanding and integrating Spiral Dynamics, as well as other systems, structures of understandings that describe often the same idea, in different ways.

        When an individual has a shift into a new level of consciousness, often the individual will believe they have ”the correct new way” to look at the “ALL” because of the sense of greater expansion and the clarity and distance of past limitations with a new found sense of freedom that previously eluded them. Well for them it is the right way to see it in that moment. However at some point in the future that individual will expand again and then that which was new is now the old limiting way of seeing the "ALL"

 So the point I’m making is why don’t we more often, turn to look, at how we are looking at something rather than what we are looking at. To be able to allow ourselves the simple truth…. “we make it all up”. This is where true freedom begins to emerge.

    I love to mix metaphysical, mystical, psychological, spiritual and scientific all together. While at moments it may seem as if they can’t coexist, in fact they do very nicely. How we divide and fragment our world through the division of thinking is one of these main points all of us may choose to begin to bring wholeness to where in the past we only had fracture.

   The current political race in our country is a great example. I'm curious to ask you, where do you get angry? Upset? Where do you become very rigid in your view point? This is a very fluid time on the planet, things are changing very rapidly. Are you allowing the change to flow through or are you holding a ridged point of view? Whether liberal or conservative. I believe the changes that are taking place will far supersede any political views and / or parties... This is real, new change happening now. We do not fully know where it is taking us yet. 

    Many shifts have occurred for me over the last 6 months. Three trips to South America. Working with 4 different Shamans.  Twenty or so different ceremonies, working on healing, understanding, evolution of the Soul and of course communing with The Serpent Of Light. 

     I've healed in ways that are difficult to describe. Greater mental clarity. Incredible increase of physical energy. Deep healing of shame, grief, blame. An expansion of consciousness that has set me free from old limiting patterns of being. Quantum Shit of ability to share these gifts with clients in my working life. More healings happening all the time..

 For the first time in a long while I'm actively expanding my work/ practice. If you are looking to "up your game" in life, looking for healing, clarity, greater connection to your Source Essence you may be interested in one or more of my offerings at this time. I'm always open to having a conversation with you to see if this work is a correct fit for you.


  I’m beginning to form a group for August or early September to go into the Ecuadorian Amazon for 8 days. This will be a deep immersion into the energies of the Serpent of Light and 4 Ayahuasca Ceremonies held by Kitchwa Shamans. The group will be limited to 8 persons. The Kitchwa family I know I’ve come to love and trust dearly. Details coming soon.    


I've also been called back to Sedona to establish a home base back in the red rocks I called home until 6 years ago. It is great to be back.

Love Kenton

                            New Aura Charts and Chakra Diagrams done personally for you....



In Service To You~

 Love Kenton

