Growing Edge~

Published: Mon, 02/29/16

 Dear , your growing edge is a very powerful place to be.  This is where you are able to summon Source,  the Universe.

  The power of your true nature, you see, is on this edge.  And the more you learn to live on this edge, the more you learn to be comfortable in your Creator Status.  The more you recognize the "truth" of who you are. Creator. 

 Often it is helpful to let go of the old in order to make room for the new.  You might struggle with the letting go, even resist it.  When, in fact, the letting go is what will bring the very freedom and the alignment to receive what you desire. 


Today's mantra ... " I stand in the new, on my growing edge, I align with my Source and allow the old to gently fall away. I am Source and I Am on the growing edge of Creation."

 Love, Kenton

