Return from Ecuador ~

Published: Tue, 02/02/16


 Hello!  I just returned from Ecuador. Wow... What an experience! I went down to do some work with three different shaman, various plant medicines and many, many ceremonies. This was something I've wanted to do for a long time. Maybe the best travel adventure yet. Deep in the Amazon with jaguars and a cacophony of jungle sounds all night long... I felt like Indiana Jones in the Temple of Transformation!

     It is great to be back in Florida and looking forward to this New Year. Boy this is already starting out as one of the best years ever! I really don’t remember the last time I’ve felt so great. It has been more than a decade for sure! Seriously, I feel so incredible it is almost ridiculous.  I’m now 53 years old and I feel better than I did at 45 on.  My zest for life has soared to new heights and I feel that the world is my playground! Such a great way to feel and be in the world.  

    I've got some great new stuff to offer to you. I've a new Tele-course combined with some coaching packages to really bring the powerful tools of transformation into your life. These are tools that I've used over many years with great success. I've built a healing/ coaching/ consulting business that has taken me on the most amazing adventures around the world. I've earned millions of dollars doing so. I've experienced the highs and lows of building an incredible life experience that feels like it is about to explode again into a super nova.

     From all of my life experiences, I bring this new body of work to those who really want more love, more joy, more well-being, more abundance and more success, more of all that is good!

     From being a homeless teenager to becoming a King Crab Fisherman on the Bering Sea, Alaska. Running a resort on a tropical island to owning an internationally recognized talent agency, Living for years in Europe, England, Asia.... Extreme Travel adventures in Africa, India, Bali, Ecuadorian Amazon, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal, Burma..

  Having experienced the extreme atrocities of war in places of conflict to the extreme resilience of the human spirit in all of its glory....   
  The catalysts of personal illness to Kundalini Awakening, developing profound healing abilities, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Channeling.... The 1,000's of individuals powerfully helped through my healing transformation and practice.  

  The multi- million dollar coaching / healing/ consulting business that I grew. The burn-out. The deeper personal healing that has taken place... The deepening of the journey to bring greater meaning and wisdom to my life experience.

   My life reads like a novel, or so I've been told, over and over again. I've had a tendency to down play it through the years, fearful that bragging or even talking about it would bring a not-so-desirable response from others.

  Now from a place of personal humility and a wisdom that has only begun to emerge as my 5th decade of life is well on the way, I see all of this, all of these incredible life experiences, have created a deep, powerful ability to understand, comprehend and adeptly apply myself, to the betterment of my fellow human being in ways that most cannot even begin to comprehend.  This is what I bring to each and every interaction. Whether with a client, a friend, an acquaintance or even a store clerk. I do my best to be the same, present and integrated human being in all actions and encounters. INTEGRATED.   

 If you have worked with me you know how powerful the work can be. If you have not you may want to experience it if you are looking for transformation, healing and greater manifestation in your life.

    There is so much crap out there. So many people are now peddling many different programs, modalities and … well… just down right snake oil.  They don’t really care/ or don’t really “have the goods”. Many are interested in the marketing and the sales more so than the quality of the product or service.

     I invite you to hold yourself and those you trust with your personal growth to a higher standard. As you do so, you’ll call forth those who are truly going to be helpful for you. Remember, if nothing changes, nothing changes.

    Lots of good stuff coming this year.  Keep an eye out for my new offerings. You’ll see the announcements shortly.

      If you are curious but not sure about working with me, we can have an informal chat and see if this is a right fit for you.  No pressure at all. Make 2016 your year to really get what you really deeply truly want out of life! I AM.
Love Kenton




When we create healthy, happy beliefs it shows up in our physical bodies and our relationships. Finances and career paths open up powerfully.  You become empowered.

 In Service To You~

 Love Kenton

