Transmission of Cosmic Love

Published: Mon, 11/30/15

Relax, Be Still.... This moment is for you... Your Heart is making room for this Cosmic Love to fill you and your day.
You are Eternal Love.  Always was and Always will be.... Your day is going to be Awesome! Just show up and let it happen!!
Love Love Love ~ The Cosmos... and Kenton (-:

My work is primarily to assist you in clearing your body and auric field so you can hold more of your Source Essence, your Soul's Energy. When we get "clear" we can then begin to manifest our destiny in powerful ways.

    When we create healthy, happy beliefs it shows up in our physical bodies and our relationships.   Finances and career paths open up powerfully.  You become empowered. Shine on you diamond!

 In Service,

 Love Kenton                   

