Welcome, ,
Many of you are beginning to have these experiences where you cannot hold onto judgment any longer because, really, there's nothing to judge, it's all YOU! They're all reflections, you see, and you are the Creator of it
And as you begin to allow these judgments, these differences, to begin to melt away, something beautiful
begins to happen.
~ Love Kenton
Dear : We then begin to have the CHOICE to choose something different. When we choose Love, Source, God, we begin to see Love, Source, God in everything and everyone.
Today's thought ... "I choose to see Love, Source, God
in all that I experience."
Love Kenton
Looking for support to create the life of your dreams this year? Loving life but want more from it?
Are you standing on your growing edge? Ready to face your sails into the winds of experience?
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When we create healthy, happy beliefs it shows up in our physical bodies and our relationships. Finances and career paths open up powerfully. You become empowered.
In Service To You~
Love Kenton
Email: kenton@kentondavidbell.co