New Script ~

Published: Fri, 01/09/15

    , It is never too late to begin to manifest your deepest, truest desires. As a matter of fact why not start today? Who do you really want to be? What is deep inside of you wanting to be expressed? What is your DNA calling forth for you to manifest with blind ambition today? 

    You can be the new star of the Lifetime movie Truest Desires Gone Wild... the  true  life story of !

 Go Baby Go!

What is the difference between really making it and just getting by in life?


~ Love Kenton 

P.S. can I have your autograph?

Looking for support to create the life of your dreams this year? Loving life but want more from it?

 Are you standing on your growing edge? Ready to face your sails into the winds of experience?

                                           Call or Email for a free 15 min. consult...


  When we create healthy, happy beliefs it shows up in our physical bodies and our relationships. Finances and career paths open up powerfully.  You become empowered.

In Service To You~

 Love Kenton

