Published: Sat, 10/25/14

   New Tele-Course Offering…  

       I’m offering a course on deep Heart Healing and Soul Clearing.

      Over the years I’ve discovered that when we clear our Heart Space, from the deeper Soul Level, we actually add years and quality to our life. This deep clearing can prevent and reverse a number of dis-eases including cancer, heart issues, pulmonary, diabetes, blood pressure as well as cognitive degeneration, just to name a few.

       The Heart has a way of “remembering” trauma and unresolved issues that occur through the course of our lives. Recently listening to Gregg Braden’s “Spontaneous Healing of Belief” it confirmed this concept I’ve held for many years now. In Gregg’s work, he speaks directly to this. I’m paraphrasing here: “ It is the pain of living, of being a human being, that after 75-100 years the Heart cannot take the pain the Soul has endured, and in effect, stops working.”

      It is my belief, from years of working with Spirit, as well as working with thousands of individuals, that this is indeed true and also can be “cleared” so we may remain here until our Greater Soul Work is complete and we may leave this physical experience when we are ready and consciously choose to do so.  

 This course will be 6 weeks.

Meeting 90 minutes per session.

Thursday’s  ~ 6 pm-7:30pm Pacific Time

Week One: Getting in touch with your Soul’s Frequencies.

Week Two: The Heart Space and living from the Heart.

Week Three: The Power of Love and Compassion, generated from the Heart.

Week Four: Healing the Soul’s pain and trauma. Alchemy of the Heart.

Week Five: Transcending the lower Soul Level to move into Higher Expression.

Week Six: Your Divine Blueprint and the Expression of it.


"Over the summer on Kenton's group call, I have completely "changed my tune".  I hear a different tone.  What was an uncomfortable (and sometimes disturbing) buzzing has become a delicious sensation to which I am drawn.  When I'm very still, it grows into a felt field; my body is singing!  

Uncanny things happen, and I see the connections.  No longer "emotional", I feel unattached and huge, much more able to lift up those around me.  On the calls there are fascinating meditations, skills and exercises, a new language -- and Kenton's presence, transmitting what he has become.  I have always been looking for a Presence, yet through Kenton have discovered it is myself that is present.  It is an opening; It is why I am here."
 ~ Helen, WI

      While the main focus will be what is described in the syllabus above, the results will be beyond the sum of the parts. Each person will have their own unique experience and results will vary from person to person.

     This will be Guided by Spirit in deep and powerful ways. Cosmic Transmissions of Love and Healing will be offered during each session as well as in-between the calls. The calls will be recorded so you may listen to them again or if you miss calls you can listen and receive the benefits in your own time. There will be portions of the calls for sharing and questions every week.

 Some of the benefits you can expect, to name a few:

·Overall sense of well being

·Greater access to joy and love

·Greater ability to create your reality of choice

·Add “time” to your experience here

·Learn to transform spiritual lead into spiritual gold ~ True Alchemy!

·Begin or solidify your understanding of your Soul’s purpose for this lifetime

·Heal, prevent or improve an illness or disease

·Bring deeper understanding to your relationships

·Have more fun!!!

                          ~FREEDOM FROM GRIEF~

  "Kenton came to me at a time where I had lost all hope in living. Not to sound hoaky, but it was as if i was experiencing Divine Intervention. We had a personal friend in common and he heard I was struggling with bad depression and suicidal tendencies, so he agreed to meet with me and see if maybe he might be able to help relieve some of my pain and torment. It's a bit hard to explain, but just sitting with Kenton on that first visit  alleviated some of my suffering. He would tap into things that he was sensing about me that were dead on and often things I wasn't even aware of consciously. These subtleties helped me to tune into my spirit and body, as well as Kenton, and helped to create a sense of peace and hope.
    Now, with the help of Kenton's guidance, sensitivity, compassion and insight, I am no longer living in a state of depression and hopelessness. Now, I am able to go even deeper with Kenton, exploring my questions about God/Spirit, prayer, identity, faith and how to best be of service in this life. With Kenton's calm and confident awareness (and priceless gift of accessing Spirit) I am able to ask him anything with ease and excitement of what his answer might be because it is usually very different than anything I could think of on my own and much better!
    Thank you Kenton for all of your love, support, insight and inspiration. You are loved!"
Tamala Poljak, Los Angeles

 Those of you who know my work are aware of the powerful benefits these sessions can provide. I expect powerful results for all people I work with, I invite you to do the same!

Dates for Tele-Course:
Week one: Thursday, November 6th
Week two: Thursday, November 13th
Week three: Thursday, November 20th
Week four : Wednesday, November 26th (due to Thanksgiving the next day)
Week five : Thursday, December 4th
Week six: Thursday, December 11th
Tuition for the Course: $200.00 ( USD ) per person. (Check, Cash, Credit Card or Paypal)

The calls will take place on a conference line.There are toll free numbers for most countries. If you live outside of the USA it is easy and toll free access to most corners of the planet.

 Please email me or call for questions and regesteration

PHONE : 928-274-2026



                                              LOVE KENTON