New Offering From Christopher Cooke

Published: Sat, 10/11/14


  I would like to introduce a very dear friend, Christopher Cooke. Christopher and I have known and worked together for some years now. Christopher is one of the world's leading experts in organizational change and transformation into the new energies that are occurring on the planet at this time.  His work is of the highest caliber and I highly recommend him. Christopher has a way of integrating the pragmatic with the mystic. A very unique quality and one that is essential in these changing times we are in. 

  Christopher and I have shared many spiritual adventures in many varied places and venues from the Midwest here in America to the sacred sites of England, Scotland and Ireland.  Are you ready for a new perspective? Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Well then you may be interested in this offering!

 Love Kenton

  What's coming next in human consciousness? Since the early 20th century, science, philosophy and
wisdom traditions have converged to provide insights into the waves or stages of human consciousness that
have emerged over the past 120,000 years. As a consequence, we are able to anticipate the attributes
and capacities of human consciousness that are coming next!

  The seventh level of human behavior is actually the beginning of human life all over again on a new and different basis.
- Clare W. Graves

  The term used to describe this new consciousness is "Integral Consciousness". The patterns and maps are
proven, new practice has been developed, and the exploration continues. Welcome to the dawn of the
integral age where what was true yesterday may not be true today.
It's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new man, it's a new woman.
The new human is integral, and so is the new world.
- Ken Wilber

  Who will benefit from this workshop?

 This workshop is for practitioners who support or advise others in any context, and who know in their
core that much more is possible if only they could work out what it is!

  What is the intent of this workshop?

 To equip participants with the ability to recognize, nurture, and work with the release and deployment of
Integral Consciousness for self and others.

 What is Solonics?

 Solonics is the art and science of human emergence. It builds upon the first principles of the core
theoretical frameworks of Universal Reflexivity (Arthur Young), The Grave's Technology (Clare W. Graves),
Spiral Dynamics (Don Beck and Chris Cowan), Spiral Dynamics Integral (Don Beck and Ken Wilber), and
Integral Theory (Ken Wilber). It discards no point of view, no guru, or approach and provides the means to
appreciate the context in which the utilization and application of any method might be helpful.
Solonics Practice enables you to take an Integral Stance and translate theory into reality. Talking about the attributes of Integral thinking may neither be necessary nor enough. Being Integral is the key. It is not what you
do, it is who you are that makes the difference.
- Cooke and Cooke

What you will learn?

 The core dynamics and first principles of the
invisible megatrend of Human Emergence.

 A foundations level understanding of The Graves
Technology, Spiral Dynamics, Spiral Dynamics
Integral, and Integral Theory.

 A range of practices that support application.

 How to self-manage your own emergence with
sincere volition.

 Examples of application based upon 25 years of
application across many sectors.

What you will be able to do?

 Recognize and support your own emergence and
that of others.

Recognize the surface patterns of the stages or
waves of development in cultures, social and
business systems.

 Apply to your chosen context with quick benefit.
o Use 5 Deep Vital Signs assessment instruments
for individual and cultural assessment.

What you will experience?

A rich and meaning-filled experiential journey
informed by elegantly simple metaphors, multi-media
impressions, and companionship on a journey
towards integral mastery.

Who are the trainers?

Christopher and Sheila Cooke of 5 Deep are
recognized internationally for their pioneering
application of integral thinking. They operate as
educators, advisers, mentors and speakers.

Where: Phoenix, Arizona (venue TBD)
When: December 5-6-7, 2014, 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM.
(We finish at 3:00 PM on Sunday.)
Investment: $435 (includes morning and afternoon
refreshments, lunch, assessments, and materials). Pay
by October 15th for the early bird price of $395.
Student places are available at $195.

Preparation: Read, A Theory of Everything, by Ken
Wilber, obtain a copy of the book, Spiral Dynamics, by
Beck and Cowan, complete 5 Deep Vital Signs self-assessments,
and bring an insatiable curiosity!

Registration: Register on Eventbrite.

For more
information send an email to Michael Powell.