Transformation Through The Chakras

Published: Fri, 08/29/14

Hello Beloved


Everything is Energy...

Chakra is the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "turning". These "chakras" are energy vortices that can be found supporting the human physical vessel. These energy centers support physical life from the non-physical or spiritual realms into the physical. These vortices when off balance, or not metabolizing fully, can create distortions in our reality. When a Chakra has been "out of balance" for some time it can and does lead to physical disease. All disease begins as an energetic imbalance which stem from something within your internal landscape needing attention. When we begin to work and honor these naturally organic systems within the body we truly begin to master our health as well as evolve into high consciousness.

The first Chakra.
Color: Red
Location: Base of Spine

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine. It points down towards the earth. Chakra 1 and 7 are the only chakras with only one aspect to them. Chakras 2-6 have two aspects to them. A front and back. The first Chakra reflects and metabolizes the life energies of survival, connection to our family of origin as well as our tribe. The First Chakra is also our grounding to the planet. When we experience "imbalances" in these realms, it is our Soul's wisdom calling forth a time of growth. Instead of seeing imbalances see these as opportunities for transformation, for every physical plane imbalance, there is an aspect of our Soul ready to bring forth the wisdom, love and transformation. It is the exercising of our free will that calls this into being. It's all yours for the asking!

Poverty Consciousness and the First Chakra
Perhaps you've felt a poverty consciousness throughout your life. Having or not having money has little to do with the consciousness of poverty. One can have much money and still feel broke. Here are some questions to probe the energies of Poverty in the 1st chakra.
Do you feel deserving of what you truly want?
Has your family or your tribe (cultural/societal) carried this consciousness in its linage?
Are you grounding enough of your own spiritual energy through you to manifest your own dreams and desires?
Are you open to receive that which you desire?

 This is the first in a series of many.... more to come.

 My work is primarily to assist you in clearing your body and auric field so you can hold more of your Source Essence, your Soul's Energy. When we get "clear" we can then begin to manifest our destiny in powerful ways.

      When we create healthy, happy Beliefs it shows up in our physical bodies and our relationships, finances and career paths open up powerfully.  

 In Service,

 Love Kenton
