The Story of Joe

Published: Tue, 09/02/14

 A true story of true healing....

Hello Beloved

     I meet a man a few years ago at a workshop I was facilitating in Los Angeles. His name is Joe. Now Joe had been diagnosed with what the doctors told him was incurable leukemia. Joe was not ready to check out even though he was in his 80's. Joe started working with me on a regular basis for the next 24 months or so. We did weekly sessions. Joe had much to heal within him. He had not done much healing before he came to me. He didn't think to highly about himself nor did he really feel that he deserved to live at that time. We did much Heart healing and a lot of vibrational  healing through his body, aura etc. We also did chakra work, Soul work and changed a lots of his limited beliefs about himself and the world he had created for himself.


   While we worked over time, Joe would give me his latest up-date from the doctors whenever he went to see them.His numbers would go up and down for sometime.

    A few weeks ago Joe told me that his doctor could no longer find any detectable signs of the cancer! While the doctors are reluctant to call him cured, it appears that this time, this cancer Joe had been dealing with would not be the cause of his passing. Nothing is incurable!


    The funny thing is now he has to begin to change his view on life because if he's not dying of cancer, well then who is he? Joe needs to find a new healthy belief about his life and how he wants to live his remaining years.


    I've seen spontaneous healing of many diseases. Sometimes it happens in one session, but more often it happens over the course of time. Most of the healing takes place through our belief system. Sometimes it can take a while to work through and change our beliefs. That is to say that we become attached to beliefs, whether they serve us or not, we sometimes need to "loosen" these grips on beliefs before we can change them into a belief that will bring about the desired results.


     I never think it is ME doing the healing. I AM only the channel. It happens regardless of me.


                    This is true for any type of healing, be it physical, emotional, mental... etc.

  Using a combination of Spiritual Guidance, Clear Channeling, Energy Healing, Spiritual Healing, Chakra Cleansing,

 Past Life Clearing. Truly anything is possible!


    Please feel free to share these messages with others. You never know who's life you maybe helping.      

                                                   Perhaps even saving!

When we create healthy, happy Beliefs it shows up in our physical bodies and our relationships. Finances and career paths open up powerfully, we become empowered.   

 In Service,

 Love Kenton
