Ready To Create Your Dreams??

Published: Sat, 07/20/13




  I'd like to share with you a new offering. Over the last few years I've been developing a new    Spiritual Growth and Awakening Program.


      I've designed this program to bring a greater depth and support to the process of  

                       Discovering One's Divine Self.


    This comprehensive program has been created for the new paradigms that are here.

The Mentoring Program was designed to support individuals through a variety of different issues. It is intended to bring guidance, healing, energy, wisdom, evolution, wholeness and over all well-being to your experience. There is truly NOTHING that cannot be addressed. More often than not, you will receive that which you've wanted and more in most cases. I hear this all the time from clients.

The four points of focus are:

                  Mastery, Empowerment, Manifestation and Enlightenment. 





     Have you noticed how old modalities are not working the same way any longer ?


   Have you noticed a desire to step into something " different" but not sure what that is?


     If you are a healer, life coach or alternative practitioner, professional and own a  business, have you noticed a change in income or client lately?

    I've noticed over the years that many of the people who come to me and enroll in the mentoring program are healers, visionaries, business owners, channels, financial advisers/ investors and movers and shakers in their fields of expertise.


    So I'd like to ask you, , what is it that you'd like to get out of life in this moment? 
                             Do you even know what you are longing for?
   Is It More Money?                            More Love?

                 Deeper Connection to Spirit?                   Greater Adventures?

Well of course most of us want more of these qualities of life, but I believe there is something more. Something that more and more of us are seeking,

I'm noticing that many people don't really know what they are longing for


     I believe that we are truly looking for a new way in which we
                                     EXPERIENCE LIFE


    I believe that many are looking for the way forward in these times of great change. In these times of great opportunity.

     When new information comes into a system, be it an organization, society or an individual human, and this new information (energy) overwhelms the integrity of the old paradigm
(system), the old must collapse and reorganize its' self in a brand new expression, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. 

     So this new program that I'm offering address many of these issues and more. Part of the "service" here is to help you move out of the old. Allowing the old to "collapse" instead of holding on to something that is outdated.

    I'll assist you in identifying and moving through the little "stuck spots" that most of us experience while making these transitions. I'll help assist you in "re-framing"  the tools that will continue to help you and identify the ones that are no longer valid.  We will, together, create a way forward, specifically tailored for you .

    You'll begin to understand Mastery of Self and Life's Energies in new and profound ways.

    You will begin to have a deeper, more accurate relationship with your Self as Source.

    You will feel greater happiness, joy and well-being. You'll see that it is a choice!

     I've been expressing myself through this Healing/ Transformational/ Life Coaching work for almost 2 decades.  Utilizing the many gifts, wisdom and tools I've gathered over these experiences. Bringing it into the NOW , along with the willingness to stand in the unknown, in order to really begin to know.

                           This is my Mastery...  
Are you ready for yours?

    If anything here resonates with you and you feel you could benefit from this or more. Let's have a chat and see if we are a match. Absolutely no obligation or pressure during a free consultation. It will be right for you or it will not be. Simple as that!

      On the Mentoring Support calls which will be held 3-4 times a month, we will be focusing on the Inner Technologies of the Divine Human Being. Some of the topics that will be covered over the next few months will be your Vibration and Frequencies and how these are the "keys" to Creation and Manifestation, How to tune into your core vibration as your bridge between the physical and non-physical aspects of self, the importance of  thinking your thoughts instead of your thoughts thinking you,  seeing emotion as your creator juice... And so much, much more.

      The Mentoring Program offers a minimum of 3 private one hour sessions per month, 3-4 group support calls and full email access to me.  In our private sessions we will focus on and create the individual goals for you.  The Mentoring Support Calls will help "boost" the vision you are creating for yourself as well as provide insights in how to live in today's new energies.

    I'm offering a  free introductory session for those who might be interested in this work. I know our time is valuable as well as our resources, so I'd like to "gift" you with an introductory session. The session will be about 30 minutes.  ( 100.00 value)

    We will discuss what is going on in your life and what you'd like to create. Then we will "look" and see what needs to happen for you to achieve your goals and desires! You can decide if this is something that may assist you on your journey. Absolutely no obligation.  This is truly a great offering, I've really never been more excited to work with you in the manifestation of your dreams and desires!

  3 Private Sessions per month
    (each session 200.00 USD value)

 3-4 Group Calls per month
      (These calls are recorded so as you can listen again in your own time)
      (  250.00 per month value)
   Unlimited Email Support
     ( 100.00 per month value)
  600.00 per month
  ( savings of 350.00)

   Kenton David Bell is a Clairvoyant, Healer,Transformational Life Coach, Channel, Author, 
    Workshop Facilitator, Corporate Consultant. Kenton has appeared on many radio shows as well as many public functions over the years.
    Kenton has years and years of experience in both private as well as corporate worlds.

     All work is done in the strictest confidence and highest integrity for all concerned. 

   You can contact Kenton directly at 928-274-2026  


Dear Kenton,

I just managed to catch up with the recording of last weeks session and want to express my gratitude for another powerful meditation from you. 

I wanted to apologize for not getting back to you in regard to the really helpful advice you gave me before my trip to US, with all the packing and last minute arrangements for speaking at the International Herbal Conference, which has been a personal and professional high. I really believe that the preparation of the meetings with u these last few weeks have really helped me be the best I could during this enjoyable yet challenging time.

Thanks again for holding such a beautiful space, the empowerment has been tangible and has brought a deep sense of truly belonging to something mighty whilst being true to myself.

Blessings to you and please keep in touch,

Maureen ( United Kingdom)

Thank you for the reassurance Kenton - it's what I needed. I think as you've said, it's the contrast of the shadow compared with the light, and it's how to attend to the shadow that's key for me right now. 

So many changes and shifts occurring. At the weekend we all watched What the Bleep again. It was fascinating seeing it 7 years later as the 'now' me and seeing how my understanding of the concepts has expanded and deepened. Quite fun really. I can't believe it's our last call.....eek. I love this work and want to continue it forever...

I feel that my priorities have shifted substantially since we began the course with you. I've really gone off alcohol (food not so much - but I'm going for the good stuff with life force!). I feel more nurturing and I am creating a family/community from the deepest place within me. I feel the blocks of past wounds dissolving. I'm able to be more present with people and I'm feeling love in a different, less painful, way. I could go on and on....

With Love Always,  A.R.~  Magazine Publisher

  "Kenton Bell has a true and amazing gift that I've been fortunate to experience.  To be honest, if I hadn't met him 10 years ago I'm not sure I would be the woman I am today.  I am grateful that I can call him my friend and elated every time I'm around him.  My spirit is awakened by his presence. In my sessions with Kenton the  healing has ALWAYS been intense to say the least! I'm either crying or laughing.  The experiences not only affect my heart and soul but it affects my body. Needless to say I'm intense. Ha! Each time we've met I've left our sessions with a clear perspective of my place in the world and a humble love for myself. Lastly, he's a REAL person with flaws and obstacles just like you and I. This makes going deeper very comfortable and safe.  Kenton! You are magical and I'm so happy we found each other." 
~ Stacey, Casting Director, Los Angeles