Personal message from Kenton

Published: Sun, 08/14/11

     ,   After this last week of SO many responses to this email I thought I'd send it again. Some of you, I might have missed, returning emails in the flurry of activity here, as well as accidentally DELETING my whole inbox!


    That's right, I cleaned out my email inbox in one seemingly normal function... Ha Ha! Of Course.. no accidents, only lots of clearing.

So, if you did write to me and didn't hear back, this is why. I've a feeling I missed a few of you. Please feel free to try again!


         I'm currently in Findhorn, Scotland. The energies here are truly amazing. The term God's Country has never been more appropriate in describing this amazing place. I've returned from a 7 plus month stay in Asia, mostly Thailand the last 5 weeks in Laos.

         I'm going to be getting very busy soon with new work that I feel will take me to places I can't even imagine yet. I've a renewed sense of service and stronger than ever desire to make a difference in the lives of the people I meet and work with. Along with this "re-newed-ness" is more energy and tools than I've ever had before. Like you, I also have been evolving. My work has become something beyond what I can put into words. The ego is falling away, being replaced with a knowing of truth and access to the authentic self beyond what I've previously experienced.

      I've a desire to reach out to YOU, and if you have been thinking of a session or a set of sessions, or perhaps signing up for 6 or more months of mentoring, NOW is the TIME!

        The energy is so ripe for change right now. For me, for YOU, for Planet and even the multi-verse we live in. I know with some of the new projects I'm creating and taking on that before too long I might not have the time for individual sessions. I LOVE working  ONE on ONE.

So if YOU have been considering it, please let me know so we can move on it.

I appreciate all the Love and Support I've received from all of you in so many various forms over the years. Looking towards the Future, Standing in the Present, Creating from Dreams and Desire...

 Let's play and create to make this the paradise it truly is.


Love and Blessings,

 Kenton David Bell


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 Remembrance:  Keys to Creating and Experiencing Heaven on Earth  
Go to for more information.
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The Beloved, Book One
Remembrance:  The Keys to Creating and Experiencing Heaven on Earth

Channeled by Kenton David Bell
ISBN 1-4538-0895-7