Part #1 of a 4-part
Welcome to a fascinating exploration into the realms of past lives
and parallel worlds! Have you ever wondered about the significance of understanding these concepts? How do they relate to your desires, discernment, and creating the best life possible? Join us on this intriguing journey as we delve into the depths of the mysteries of past lives and parallel worlds!
In our quest for meaning and purpose, it is essential to grasp the importance of comprehending past lives and parallel worlds. These concepts offer profound insights into our existence and open doors to new possibilities. By unlocking their secrets, we can gain valuable wisdom that will guide us toward fulfilling our deepest desires.
Desire plays a pivotal role in discerning our path forward. It acts as a compass that points us in the right direction, leading us toward extraordinary opportunities. Through desire's guidance, we can distinguish between fleeting wishes and lasting endeavors that align with our true purpose.
Interestingly enough, desires have an uncanny ability to transcend time. They linger within us through various lifetimes, beckoning us towards experiences that will shape our soul’s greater journey toward sovereignty and finally unity with God/Source/ Universe. In this way, past lives become intertwined with present aspirations, intertwining different dimensions of existence.
Even Pope Francis acknowledges desire's power as he states: "Desire carries you forward… Desire reveals what you are called to do; it helps you understand where your talents lie." Our desires serve not only as indicators of what brings joy but also provide glimpses into God's plan for each individual.
Furthermore, desire holds a unique connection with miracles. As we follow our heart's yearnings with unwavering faith and determination, astonishing transformations occur. Miracles unfold before our eyes when aligned with divine intent - all stemming from nurturing and pursuing genuine desires born deep within ourselves.
Ultimately though – there is one desire above all others – knowing God’s desire for each soul on earth! Like a conductor, weaving all the music of the universe(s) into a perfect symphony…
I’ve often found that while my baser instinct desires will yield results
quickly, they often don’t bring lasting change or satisfaction. When I truly turn it over to my Higher Self / Source Essence then the results are lasting and very satisfying.
In the lower self-desires is also where we become attached. We can see that
this is what the Buddha speaks about with attachment bringing suffering. I believe this is because the lower self can never really be truly satisfied in that regard. The greater Self is actually selfless and yet this is where the true self lives!
DESIRE IS A “TOOL’ like a compass heading for the engagement of life… when pointed in
the correct direction. Desire from the Soul level is our higher blueprint waiting to be actualized.
if you feel impelled
Perhaps write down different desires you’ve had in this lifetime. Go back to childhood, teen years, young adult, and now as well.
Are there any trends you
What really speaks deeply to you now?
Have you been living into your deeper desires from the Soul
Level or have you denied yourself these desires for what you had been told or imprinted by others?
It's never ever too late to live into those deeper desires. When one is living from the Soul’s Desires level, many resources will show up to support them!
(Part 2 next week..)
Ready to discover more about your past lives or looking to break through old beliefs? Perhaps need some physical healing?
Give me a call for a free mini-session!
Kenton David Bell