.Times of Smoke & Mirrors... What is real VS What is false??
Welcome to the Times of Smoke and Mirrors, where it can be difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is false. In a world filled with conflicting information and opinions, how do we know which path to take? It's all too easy to get lost in the chaos of media manipulation and propaganda, but fortunately, there are ways to discern truth from deceit.
Join us on this journey as we explore the difference between facts and opinions, reliable sources for information, and the power of our Higher Self in navigating through life's challenges. Brace yourself for a thought-provoking read that may just change the way you view reality!
What is
real VS What is false
The distinction between what is real and what is false can be quite blurry at times, especially in today's digital age where information travels fast and far. It's crucial to develop the skill of discernment to avoid falling prey to
One way to determine if something is true or not is by examining its source. Is it a credible news outlet, or just a random website? Does the author have a good reputation for honest reporting? Taking these factors into consideration can help us sift through the
Another way to distinguish truth from falsehoods is by relying on facts rather than opinions. Facts are concrete pieces of evidence that can be verified through research and investigation, while opinions are subjective beliefs without any factual basis.
How to know what is true
In a world where information is readily available, it can be
challenging to distinguish what is true from what is false. However, there are some steps you can take to discern the truth.
It's also important not to mistake personal experiences for Universal
Just because something feels true for you doesn't necessarily mean it applies Universally. A Universal Truth isn’t subjective truth with a small “t”. Universal True Truth will shift EVERYTHING in your life in an instant when realized.
Ultimately, our quest for truth requires an open mind and heart, as well as courage in facing uncomfortable realities. By embracing our soul's destiny vs/ & free will, creating reality based as well as Higher-Self Intelligence integrated with conscious choices instead of unconscious conditioning or programming we can increase
our ability to differentiate between what is real and what isn't - leading us towards living more fulfilling lives in greater True Truths that aren’t subjected to the disruptive waves of subjective truths. Hence, we become anchored into a solid foundation that can be our compass heading while navigating the seas of change we are all experiencing.
Secondly, what is your heart saying to you?
Your intuition is a strong tool in helping you determine the truth. Listen to your gut instinct and
try to go with your first reactions.
Thirdly, look for multiple sources of information that all confirm the same conclusion. This will give you more confidence in what is true than relying on just one source. Sometimes this comes from unorthodox sources.
Don't be afraid to ask questions and challenge assumptions. Take the time to dig deeper and make sure that any conclusions are supported by evidence before believing them without a doubt.
Trust your intuition or Higher Self; if something doesn't feel right in your heart or soul, listen to those feelings because they may indicate that something isn't true or authentic.
The difference between facts and opinions
It is important to differentiate between facts and opinions when
evaluating information. Facts are objective statements that can be proven true or false, while opinions are subjective beliefs based on personal experiences and perspectives.
Facts are based on evidence and can be verified through research, observation, or experimentation. They provide a solid
foundation for understanding the world around us and making informed decisions.
Opinions, on the other hand, reflect personal feelings and attitudes towards a particular issue or topic. While they may be influenced by facts, they cannot be objectively proven true or false.
I believe that we all have a deep truth teller within us. I’ve observed over the decades that most people really don’t want to think for themselves, they want to be told what to do often. The idea of really taking responsibility for themselves often scares them too much to really “look” at the deeper truth.
With A.I. now here…. What’s next??
There is a deeply human aspect within each and
every Being. I call it Divinity. This Essence, Soul and God-Self Intelligence that each and everyone of us has, but often overlooked, knows our higher personal truth. What happens when humanity as a whole or individually abdicates power to outside intelligence? You will atrophy. How could it be any different?
When I got my car which had my first GPS in it, my sense of direction started to disappear! Before that, my sense of direction, combined with my strong intuition, gave me a very powerful way to navigate that I came to trust powerfully. It was so strong that I could land at a new airport in a new city and find my hotel by just driving by “instinct”. No maps. No prior knowledge of its location. New
city. I would easily find that hotel! After having my GPS in my car and loving it, I started losing that ability.
When we give our innate power up for what appears as the easier option, we begin to weaken. We are losing who we are here to be. We are losing spiritual muscle mass! This is happening on a global level. Remember! Most of us here don’t want to really know the truth. Most would rather be told what to do on a day-to-day basis. Most who rail against this thought are probably caught by this more than they want to admit. This is the danger of A.I. taking over our
By taking these steps when evaluating potential sources of information, you can increase your chances of accessing reliable and trustworthy information that will help you navigate the complexities of our world with
discernment and confidence.
Discernment is key in navigating
through the times of smoke and mirrors. It is important to differentiate what is real from what is false, especially in this era where information can easily be manipulated or distorted. By tapping into our Higher Self and Heart Truth, we can uncover our Soul's Destiny and create a reality that aligns with who you truly are.
It's also crucial to distinguish facts from opinions and find reliable sources to validate the information we receive. We should not solely rely on artificial intelligence or any intelligence outside of ourselves, but rather trust our own human intuition and innate intelligence when it comes to making decisions.
As we continue to navigate through these uncertain times, let us always strive for clarity, authenticity, and integrity both within ourselves and in the world around us. Remember that at the end of the day, what truly matters is living a life aligned with our deepest values and purpose.
Transformation coach Kenton David Bell is helping people create new realities out of the ashes of the old. "I work with people who are ready to transcend their current circumstances and create something new and beautiful in their lives," said Kenton. Through one-on-one coaching and group workshops, Kenton helps people connect with their higher selves, identify their deepest desires, and
take actions to manifest them into reality. "The old world is crumbling around us, but that doesn't mean we have to go down with it," said Kenton. "I believe we are all capable of creating our own worlds – ones that are abundant, joyful, and free." If you're ready to transform your life,
Contact Kenton David Bell
at kentondavidbell@gmail.com
Phone #
visit his website at www.kentondavidbell.com.
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