We are Telos, a multidimensional, multigalactic conglomeration of energies helping to support the human DNA experiment through vast areas of the multiverse. Your species was seeded in different galaxies and dimensions, some a little higher or lower in frequency. Your DNA intelligence flows through the stream of
universal current. The universal current flows through everything. It is creation and intelligence itself. It is the love of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
Your DNA is an interactive process. You are Source. You are the God Source universe experiencing itself. Your
cosmic signature is unique, and you are here to express that signature, that note of soul expression. Your unique soul song vibrates into the universe. Close your eyes and imagine interfacing with your DNA while you read this article. See your DNA pop up in your inner world/consciousness where all creation begins. As you sit and commune with your DNA, merge with its intelligence.
Understand that you programmed your experience here in such a way that whatever tools and intelligence you need are in the program. Something happens when you interface with your DNA. It vibrates more, as if it’s been activated. It opens and responds to your thoughts,
vibrations, and consciousness, for it is consciousness itself. Learn to play with your DNA awareness.
Joyfully love your DNA, and notice what happens. This is a powerful pathway to self-healing and self-realization. How could it be otherwise? Programs, blueprints, and divine codes to create evolutionary worlds and life
lie dormant in your DNA. When you think of your DNA, you might think of a particular bandwidth of consciousness that goes as far as your physical body/genetics/ancestral line. It goes much further than that! We promise you there is soooo much here....
Your DNA also includes all the tools, upgrades, and resources you need for
evolution. Close your eyes, and drop into your heart space. Look inside your DNA. See how it moves in particular ways with your thoughts. Notice what happens when you appreciate it and send it love. How does it respond? What do you feel? What does it teach you?
To Connect with Your DNA, Drop out of your head and into the wisdom of your heart and body and the guidance of Spirit and your DNA. There is no right or wrong with how you visualize your heart space. You might imagine a mountain stream, a meadow, a cave, a sacred temple, the cosmos, or your living room. Intend that your DNA show itself. You might experience your DNA as a double helix, a
group of colors, an Oreo cookie, or a car. Be playful with it.
Being playful is a creative invitation throughout the universe. Take a moment and acclimate to the idea of your DNA and your spiritual, ethereal self. It is best to approach your DNA gently and with open arms. Connect to your DNA by creating that intention and opening your heart. Your DNA then opens to
receive and transmit. Communication with your DNA might be very subtle at first. Allow yourself to feel the experience back and forth, as you might share beautiful thoughts and words with a loved one. For today’s meditation, we focus on accessing creativity within your being and your DNA.
Tap into your creative energy, which
is also the creative energy that creates everything that is. This universal current flows through every idea and thought that has ever manifested. Feel that creativity flow through your heart and to your DNA. Feel your love for creativity. It is an integral part of who you are. Creativity and love are the building blocks of humanity discovering its divine nature. Allow yourself to feel enveloped in this creative energy. Feel the inspiration, the All of life, right there in that creative DNA
bubble. This is who you are and who you are becoming.
Marinate in this creativity in your heart, consciousness, and awareness. Stay in this space for as long as you desire, and bask in the essence of who you are. We thank you for your attention and for allowing us to share our love, creativity, and wisdom with you. We leave
you for now. And so it is. Your Creative DNA Telos through Kenton David Bell
Kenton David Bell is a sacred transformational coach whose passion is to empower you to be the conscious creator of your life. Using the Bell Technique, developed from almost two decades of working with others, Kenton
will guide you gently yet powerfully to the remembrance of who you truly are: an expression of pure Source Energy. Contact him at kenton@kentondavidbell.com and learn more at KentonDavidBell.com.